This Christmas the young people of Renew Anglican Church performed a pageant called Born is the king. If you’re interested in performing the play at your church you can purchase the script, including information for costumes and staging here.
Mary gets news she will give birth to the forever king!
Mary has a chat with Joseph about their new ‘situation’.
An accurate retelling of Mary & Joseph’s long hike to Bethlehem - possibly with out the pizza.
Struggling to find a room with a view in Bethlehem after Joseph forgets to book ahead.
The three wise men see a star in the night sky and choose to follow it.
A procession of wise men, shepherds and their sheep all follow the star to find the forever king.
Hallelujah! Our forever King, Jesus the Christ, has come to earth today.
Well done to everyone involved in bringing Born is the King to life on the Renew stage!
Every one say ‘Baaaaa’!